Hi there!

The purpose of this site is to connect with likeminded people and to discuss transdisziplinary insights and syntopic concepts, combining academia, science and art – the concept is still evolving1. Inspiration and syntopy is only achievable through interaction.

I am not the sole author of this content. It’s a zettelkasten of collective knowledge, curated by me - Nikolaus Leonard.

Pleasure to meet you!

This site follows one simple rule:
Blue is for reference (WHO, WHAT or WHERE)PINK is the indicator (HOW/WHY).

Topics I am interested in +


Communication consumes me. I’m convinced that communication creates a sur-plus and that we can achieve amazing things through sharing our knowledge.

Currently work at DataHall as Head of Communication.
We are a holocratic team of planners with the ambitious vision of building the most innovative datacenter in Europe. We are still in stealth mode, a new website and marketing is coming soon!


My later Mentor Thomas Degen, who was a known fashion photographer, sparked my love for painting with light.
He only made his money with fashion, but in his heart he was a true artist. Sadly only a small fraction of his works has ever been on display. Especially his late works have never seen the light outside of his studio-basement.

Thomas experienced extraordinary adventures in the 70ies-80ies, most of his stories took place in a world which doesn’t exist anymore – Experiences which are no longer possible today. Talking to him was like a history lesson. In fact I learned everything I know about history from him.

Some of the stories I share on this site are in honour of Thomas, as he is sadly no longer able to tell them himself.
We even startet building an Art Agency together, called KALEIDOS which is not active at the moment due to his death. I inherited his whole archive containing 10s of thousands of dias, negatives and prints, which I will gradually curate, digitize and exhibit.


I studied Psychology for 7 years. With my whole family working mostly in medical and my mom being a therapist I basically grew up with the topic, but I only realized my love for psychology, when I went back to school at the age of 18. I loved it all my life, without knowing. All my interests had a psychological aspect to it. Communication, body language, empathy, negotiation…

I was a professional magician at the time – and what’s magic, other than psychology. You manipulate the subjective perception though body language, pulling your focus and attention to the desired aspect, exploiting cognitive blindspots of the human brain.

I did not persuite the career of a therapist as it was my wish when started my studies, tho there is no day where I am not thinking about psychology and related topics.

Special topics that spark my interest

  • Interpersonal differences between our perception of “reality” (and the philosophical question of what reality is)
  • How we humans are biased in our perception about everything
  • How we handle Emotions
  • How we approach Goals
  • How to get out of the hole

Quantum Mechanics (QM)

I wrote my thesis2 in Psychology about Quantum Mechanics – sounds more advanced than it is.

Since then I am a great Enthusiast of QM.
I have always been a holistic system thinker, interested in how “systems” work.

Everything is made from Quants therefore every science-form potentially shows quantum behaviour of some sort (to some extent). You can even find quantum theories in (Micro-)Biology, System Theory, Psychology, and even Buddhism, if you are very creative.

I have the pleasure of being friend with some Quantum-scientists like Marcus Reid @Quantum Power Munich. Everytime we share a beer together I feel like my worldview is getting more and more completed and destroyed at the same time.

In this SPACE I wanna share facts and have conversations about QM in simple understandable bits for anyone who has also not studied physics or mathematics (like myself).

Obsidian & Digital Knowledge- and Projektmanagement

I am a Obsidian fanboy, there is no denying it.
Obsidian is a software which helps you to store and connect notes and thoughts in a super simple way. In my opinion the obsidian online-community paints a picture of an overly complicated software, which is aimed at hardcore academics, PKM-Nerds, computer scientists or for Pen&Paper-Gaming/World-building. But thats not true at all.

Obsidian is great for students/university/Education, (Project) Managers, Assistants, Side-Husslers, Hobbies, (Journal-)Writers etc. – anything that has to do with organisation or writing.

Read about Why I use Obsidian

If you are already using obsidian and have everything figured out and are searching for inspiration, you may be interested in how my Obsidian Knowledge- and Projektmanagement-System is designed, which I tailored to my unconventional needs & different purposes.


  1. Having built a lot of wordpress websites for clients, it’s an unusual feeling for me to publish a site in a permanently “unfinished” state. But thats the idea of an evolving digital garden

  2. ”Experimenter Expectancy Effects Based on Quantum Mechanics - Explorative Micro-PK Study on (Un)Intentional Influence of a Quantum System” (Original title “Versuchsleiter-Erwartungseffekte auf Basis der Quantenmechanik - Explorative Micro-PK-Studie zu (un)willentlicher Beeinflussung eines Quantensystems”)