I studied Psychology for 7 years. With my whole family working mostly in medical and my mom being a therapist I basically grew up with the topic, but I only realized my love for psychology, when I went back to school at the age of 18. I loved it all my life, without knowing. All my interests had a psychological aspect to it. Communication, body language, empathy, negotiation…

I was a professional magician at the time – and what’s magic, other than psychology. You manipulate the subjective perception though body language, pulling your focus and attention to the desired aspect, exploiting cognitive blindspots of the human brain.

I did not persuite the career of a therapist as it was my wish when started my studies, yet not a day goes by where I am not thinking about psychology or related topics.

Special topics that spark my interest

  • Interpersonal differences between our perception of “reality” (and the philosophical question of what reality is)
  • How we humans are biased in our perception about everything
  • Temet Nosce - Know Thyself
    • How we (should) handle emotions
    • How we (should) approach goals