The folders associated with my professional work are separated from the Knowledge-Vault, while my Personal Stuff is also separately stored from everything else.

I could send a colleague a folder containing all the notes from a certain project without having to search or sort them beforehand without having to fear to accidentally reveal something private.

The subfolders of my Workfolder 4 Work are encoded in Johnny.Decimal, starting with a new 3-letter identifyer (i.e. DTH-AC.ID).
This Enables me to add a new layer to the structure and use “different systems within the system”.

If I want to open folder in the general root-folderstructure of the vault, I simply search for the corresponding JD.AC. If the folder I am searching is related to our company, I use the same JD.AC. I just add the name of the company (3 letter identifyer).

  • 00 META
    • Templates
    • Obsidian meta documentation / Code-examples
  • 1 INBOX
  • 2 DO
    • Open Projects
  • 3 SPACE
    • aka. “Areas” / Categories / Topics e.g.
      • Art
      • Architecture
      • Photography
      • Kitchen
        • Recepies
      • Personal (encoded in Johnny.Decimal)
        • Tax
        • Bureaucracy
        • Carrer
          • CVs
          • Letter of References
      • Design
  • 4 WORK (Chinese walls between the subfolders)
    • Freelance
      • 41 Daily Work Logs
      • 42 Project MOCs
      • 43 DOCs
        • 43.01 AC.ID
      • 44 Entities (work)
      • 48 Meeting Protocols
    • Employed work (encoded in Johnny.Decimal)
    • Side Hussle
  • 5 LEARN
    • Topics I am educating myself about e.g.
      • Quantum Mechanics
      • Coding
      • Philosophy
    • 60 Omnivore Highlights (managed external)
    • 60 Kindle Highlights (managed external)
    • 61 Books
    • 62 Paper
    • 63 Articles
    • 64 Podcasts
    • 65 Talks
    • 66 Movies
    • 67 Magazines
  • 7 Connect
    • People
    • Entities
  • 8 TIME
    • 81 Daily Journals
    • 82 Weekly notes
    • 83 Montly
    • 84 Yearly
    • 85 Events
  • 9 Archiv
    • Archived Projects